Winston Smith
Winston Smith is a chubby, balding, contemplative, intellectual, and fatalistic fourty-two-year-old. Winston hates the totalitarian control and enforced repression that are characteristic of his government. He harbors revolutionary dreams.
Following (10)
mycosis710 |
deltafoxtrot420 |
jimiam |
doc_mcstuffins Dr. McStuffins |
myc_celium |
dawnkeibals ford prefect |
captainmcdonalds Captain McD |
sergeantspitz Sergeant Spitzenkörper |
naturejohn naturejohn |
jradb J Boogie |
Followers (10)
deltafoxtrot420 |
jimiam |
doc_mcstuffins Dr. McStuffins |
mycosis710 |
naturejohn naturejohn |
jradb J Boogie |
myc_celium |
keterscorner |
sergeantspitz Sergeant Spitzenkörper |
mycosis420 Myc Osis |
Browse others (14)
willbridge21 Will Madden |
dphan0x80 DP |
darlysson Darlysson Alves |
limaupurut Kirsten Forkert |
marktaw Mark Wieczorek |
t3ckguy t3ck |
h0w hans |
jcoombs3 John Coombs |
dubber Wilhelm Dubber |
agomezig Antonio Gomez |
hokejowychop Szymon Kuzka |
davidkndy David Kennedy |
gwongz Grace Wong |
zalmy Zalmy Rosenberg |