Steve Manzuik
Canadian, hockey nut, computer security nerd. If the use of foul language indicates a lack of intelligence then I am dumbest fuck ever.
Following (4)
cpu Daniel McCarney |
jp Joshua Pitts |
myrcurial James Arlen |
ultramegaman Paul Brodeur |
Followers (8)
kan kan |
simplenomad Simple Nomad |
mubix Rob Fuller |
c4i William Knowles |
lee Lee Brotherston |
jp Joshua Pitts |
cpu Daniel McCarney |
ultramegaman Paul Brodeur |
Browse others (14)
deanvangreunen Dean Van Greunen |
alesz Ales Zitnik |
sigtrygr alan hunt |
colinquinn Colin Quinn |
jhornby Josh |
bratuliu Iuliu Bratianu |
catheymohr Cathey Mohr |