David Guyon
Polyglot developer from 🇫🇷 • containerize ⚓ and automate 🔁 all the things
Montpellier, France
Following (9)
mberlanda |
yoannmoinet Yoann Moinet |
jgrahamc John Graham-Cumming |
lukkry Lukasz Kr |
tghallab |
sabidi Said Abidi |
gloetscher Guillaume Loetscher |
erwan Erwan Loisant |
fchazal Florian CHAZAL |
Followers (8)
bcolferzd Brian Colfer |
tghallab |
sabidi Said Abidi |
erwan Erwan Loisant |
the2ne Olivier Fredon |
gloetscher Guillaume Loetscher |
lbouges Ludovic Bouges |
nathanieldaught Nathaniel Daught |
Browse others (15)
ckdoodle Cecilia Knudsen |
davidtinker David Tinker |
bigtony grenia |
nosfer Luke |
desert_hax David Larocco |
breesie3 breesie |
poly09 anjali |
waters_alci Stephen Waters |
sofianavasr Sofia Navas |
roblafave Rob LaFave |
matthewblakney matthew blakney |