Greg Shackles
VP of Technology at Olo
Los Angeles, CA
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Following (4)
larsbrekkenolo Lars Brekken |
adamatolo Adam Grasso |
andrewmurray Andrew Murray |
twaggs Tom Waggoner |
Followers (17)
olo_jeff Jeff Scott |
danlash Dan Lash |
justinboykin Justin Boykin |
srhall Steve Hall |
mattcwilson Matt C. Wilson |
teekers Tamar Kornblum |
kylepace Kyle Pace |
ondrejolo Ondrej Toffolet |
robhorvath Rob Horvath |
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leighg1982 Leigh Gordine |
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wkok Werner Kok |
theagent Jerry Schuman |
jwickman Josh Wickman |
aworkinglibrary Mandy Brown |