Igor van Oostveen
ux design zealot and machine learning /python aficionado
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Following (14)
hobbybob Hobbybob |
ericramkoolen |
platolstoy Plastic Tolstoy |
jecel Jecel Mattos de Assumpção Júnior |
axello |
morphle Morphle |
panic Panic Inc. |
igorvanoostveen |
cabel Cabel Sasser |
renevanbakel |
Followers (9)
hobbybob Hobbybob |
platolstoy Plastic Tolstoy |
nodejuggler |
axello |
morphle Morphle |
renevanbakel |
igorvanoostveen |
dionoostveen |
jvanoostveen Joeri van Oostveen |
Browse others (11)
iharch Ihar Ch |
vivekkrish Vivek Krishnakumar |
anariio Ali Anari |
raheelkhan1 raheel |
michaelparsons Michael Parsons |
igorsousa Igor Sousa |
pixelhandler Bill Heaton |