Ethan White
I'm a happily married dad and a scientist. I work at Utah State University. I like ecology, computers, math, stats, & good scotch. I believe in the value of open science and a free and open web.
Following (17)
harris David Jay Harris |
epistemographer Joshua Mark Greenberg |
hlapp Hilmar Lapp |
matthewturk Matthew J. Turk |
gawbul Steve Moss |
meren A. Murat Eren |
tpoisot Timothée Poisot |
klmr Konrad Rudolph |
academicdave David Parry |
naupaka Naupaka Zimmerman |
Followers (34)
gawbul Steve Moss |
davclark Dav Clark |
elzalebkpu Elza Lebarge |
ashfordshankle8 Santiago Gordon |
omarwarhol Omar Warhol |
peiv Chagin Guriy |
mineife |
adeiza adeiza salihu |
susannah Susannah Tysor |
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