Eliot Eshelman
I design and implement HPC systems - working with hard-core geeks and world-class scientists. My interests range from bacteriophages to astrophysics.
Boston, MA
Following (3)
jfontan Javi Fontán |
arcfide Aaron W. Hsu |
tfhartmann Tim (Alaric) Hartmann |
Followers (5)
chip Chip Wolf |
jfontan Javi Fontán |
bmpvieira Bruno Vieira |
arcfide Aaron W. Hsu |
tfhartmann Tim (Alaric) Hartmann |
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moabnar Bologovskiy Avtonom |
chezrith_98 Docta Wahwee |
tanmdoan Tan Doan |
leabs Arhipov Bogolep |
abdul_baki Abdul Baki |
dentongentry Denton Gentry |
edwardyakovich Edward Yakovich |
indecision indecision |
fmlapa Fernando Lapa |