Erin Atkinson
If you put away those who report accurately, you'll keep only those who know what you want to hear. I can think of nothing more poisonous than to rot in the stink of your own reflections.
Denver, CO USA
Following (76)
volatiledream Gianni |
lmhd Lucy Davinhart |
raeofsun Rae (Rachel) Krantz |
madshields |
theoskolnik Theo Skolnik |
jdfriedman Julia Friedman |
tizh Ti Zhang |
martinb3 Martin B. Smith |
errygg Erik R. Rygg |
endocrimes Danielle Lancashire |
Followers (66)
anthakingston Sam |
lmhd Lucy Davinhart |
volatiledream Gianni |
madshields |
theoskolnik Theo Skolnik |
tizh Ti Zhang |
qkate Kate Taggart |
martinb3 Martin B. Smith |
patriciahobson patricia hobson |
pwelch Paul Welch |
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brysgo Bryan Goldstein |
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pocoproject POCO C++ Libraries |
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milesmcmanus Miles McManus |
hackygolucky Tracy Hinds |
jorj_x_mckie Ivor Thomas |
tridhuli Tridhuli |
amara_k4x Amara |