Matt Burch
Security researcher with an interest in breaking Kiosks/products to steal controlled narcotics and wreck the world of MDM.
Following (102)
reba Tom S |
mattiacamp Mattia Campagnano |
rubikcubesolver Justin Safa |
doseone Kevin |
6sp33d Philip S. |
kellyburch Kelly B |
roboto2031 Joshua Brown |
arch3y |
mlowe Matthew Lowe |
lbro Loren Browman |
Followers (65)
k3nundrum Ken Nevers |
sageyev Simon Ageyev |
d00gman Keith Thome |
waffless James P |
bigb0ss Dan |
rsurace RobSauce |
mattbiedronski Matt Biedronski |
rubikcubesolver Justin Safa |
simplyrishabh Rishabh Gupta |
themajere Kevin Higgins |
Browse others (15)
grahovac Elena Grahovac |
skallweit Stefan Kallweit |
marin33 marin zhelev |
adrury Abby Drury |
carolinesantos Caroline Lopes dos Santos |
rprows Rachel Prows |
aadobikay KAYODE |
tlorens Timothy Lorens |
heinzjurgenlu Carla Kroger |
dge Daniel Ge |
alexgleith Alex Leith |
kaospunk Brandon Knight |