Dr. Harold Jonas
Wanna be smarty pants. Studied all kinds of stuff but best being attentive and empathetic. Operating recovery related sites and created Sobercoin to implement across user groups as incentive for social change.
Following (14)
kaupas Simas Kaupas |
uliseis Ulises |
purboyoa95 amin purboyo |
ollybee Oliver Burkill |
retryoffline Dimitris |
dsilveira David Silveira |
killuah0x |
ericos Eric |
rugula Daniel Knobelsdorf |
reveredcreets |
Followers (4)
jc_dreams |
kimcastro Kim Castro |
jjonas09 |
drewpalmer Drew Palmer |
Browse others (15)
jm_ Jean-Martin Archer |
ill_llogic Daniel Krol |
adrianperez Adrián Víctor Pérez Lopera |
aqyuki Yosuke Kisaki |
omnijelly Tom Sanocki |
thinkdevcode Eugene Alfonso |
hacrot3000 Chương Dương |
dcal556 Daniel Calderisi |
moonraker069 Moonraker069 |