Timothy M. Redaelli
I’m (also) a software designer and security specialist. I actively participate in the development of several open source projects. I firmly believe in the philosophy of free software.
Following (15)
jwildeboer Jan Wildeboer |
bonzini Paolo Bonzini |
andreamtp Andrea Perotti |
petertodd Peter Todd |
rcasatta Riccardo Casatta |
dn2k ENRICO |
paci Davide Barbieri |
isidoroghezzi |
gabridome Gabriele Domenichini |
hostfat HostFat |
Followers (9)
sergioocon Sergio Ocón-Cárdenas |
milowaltrip Milo Waltrip |
andreamtp Andrea Perotti |
jwildeboer Jan Wildeboer |
blackout314 Carlo Blackout Denaro |
mtorromeo Massimiliano Torromeo |
maurotoffanin Mauro Toffanin |
hostfat HostFat |
blackikeeagle Ike Devolder |
Browse others (14)
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