Dawn R. Banks, Ph.D.
Two score of full-time geekin' for a living, and toss in one completely unrelated doctorate, makes Dawn a total nerd.
Bedford, New Hampshire, USA, Earth, etc
Following (8)
drpizza Peter Bright |
netmammal David Fonseca |
stever Stever Robbins |
pjq Peter Quodling |
wilw Wil Wheaton |
shannonmorse Shannon Morse |
darrenkitchen |
joncallas Jon Callas |
Followers (5)
saikhanpidulep Osokin Agrippin |
stever Stever Robbins |
netmammal David Fonseca |
pjq Peter Quodling |
joncallas Jon Callas |
Browse others (15)
mrpelz Lennart Pelz |
nahovzokor Chemesova Angela |
rhernand Rodrigo Hernández Robles |
matteh Matte |
jcollie Jeffrey C. Ollie |
millyan Emilian Serban |
yuunomia Yuu |
hishat Rajmund Nowicki |
meurkens Stijn Meurkens |
whweiskopf William Weiskopf |
kevthehasty KevTheHasty |