Damien Raude-Morvan
BigData / ML / NLP Hacker working for Dictanova. Extract valuable insights from large amount of unstructured text. Also member of Debian / Apache Software Foundation
Nantes, France
Following (8)
atomrc Thomas Belin |
thomasg77 Thomas Gratier |
ptitfred Frédéric Menou |
ttx Thierry Carrez |
melix Cédric Champeau |
hgomez Henri Gomez |
olberger Olivier Berger |
etiennelb Etienne LB |
Followers (5)
etiennelb Etienne LB |
stephanepechard Stéphane Péchard |
dsferruzza David Sferruzza |
atomrc Thomas Belin |
ludovicc Ludovic Claude |
Browse others (15)
jskelly Lauren Kelly (old) |
thorakks Luis Ramirez |
47d 47d |
danielruiz Daniel |
hugogoncalves Hugo Gonçalves |
nsimonson Niko Simonson |
lukasholy Lukáš Holý |
jwp23 Joseph Presley |