Keybase client-side architecture

The Keybase client is a command-line application written in Go. Today it runs on macOS, Linux and Windows. The code lives in the keybase/client GitHub repository.

Client and Service split

The Keybase binary can act as both a command-line tool and a long-running "service" — each time you run a command, both the tool ("client") and the service are involved. The service stays active after each command, whereas a separate client process is created and terminated for each command. If there's work to be done in response to a command (going out on to the network, running PGP, etc), it's done by the service.

On Linux, the service is started in the background when you run a client command for the first time, and subsequent client commands check $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/keybased.sock for an active service and use it if one is listening there — this is called "autofork" mode.

On macOS, the service is started by launchd at boot.

For debugging, you might find it helpful to use --standalone mode, which just runs everything in one process.

For our forthcoming KBFS project, the kbfsfuse binary will act as a client that talks to the regular Keybase service over the long-running socket.

For iOS and Android, apps can't spawn extra threads, so we'll be using standalone mode there. We can't even have an iOS/Android process and a separate Go process, so we'll need to embed a Go runtime into the single app process and pass messages to it.

For macOS and Electron desktop GUI clients, we'll use separate processes just as we do with the command-line clients.


The service caches the user's passphrase to avoid asking the user for it every time a command is run (so if you use --standalone you'll have to enter it every time).

The secrets being cached are:

  • libkb.PassphraseStream: an scrypt of the user's Keybase passphrase, cached in the service as libkb.PassphraseStreamCache.
  • A login session salt cached as libkb.LoginSession.Salt().

Interacting with GPG

We try to run crypto operations internally, using Go's openpgp module, but there are some situations (such as importing local keys) that require shelling out to GPG — you can run keybase help gpg to learn more.

RPC protocol

The client and service communicate by using an RPC protocol called framed-msgpack-rpc (which is a version of msgpack-rpc with message framing added). This is a duplex protocol — the client opens an RPC connection to the service and makes function calls, and the service can do the same back to the client.

Passing the argument --local-rpc-debug-unsafe=csv allows you to see the content of these RPC transactions. (It's "unsafe" because private data is emitted to the logs.)

Protocol bindings

We use a language-independent protocol description format to define all of the available commands and their arguments and return values. The protocol format is called AVDL and lives in client/protocol/avdl/*.

We automatically generate per-language bindings (objc, JS, Golang) from this protocol. For example, the generated Golang bindings are written to client/go/protocol/keybase_v1.go and imported into client code as keybase1.

The reason to use a language-independent protocol is that we're expecting to have command-line, GUI, and mobile clients using different programming languages and want to be able to update bindings in one place.

Calling a generated function looks like this in Golang:

type CmdTrack struct {
        user    string
        options keybase1.TrackOptions

func (v *CmdTrack) Run() error {
        cli, err := GetTrackClient()
        if err != nil {
                return err

        protocols := []rpc2.Protocol{
        if err = RegisterProtocols(protocols); err != nil {
                return err

        return cli.Track(keybase1.TrackArg{
                UserAssertion: v.user,
                Options:       v.options,

Here GetTrackClient() returns the keybase1.TrackClient generated function; protocols describes which RPC endpoints the client and service want to use during the request; keybase1.TrackArg is the binding-generated struct of arguments to Track; the return value of Track is of the built-in Golang type error. So cli.Track will run on the service, returning its result back to the client.

Adding a new function to the protocol

If we wanted to add a new function to the TrackClient, we'd add its definition to client/protocol/avdl/track.avdl, and then run make in client/protocol with Java installed. (If we wanted to add a new protocol in a new AVDL file, we'd add it to the build-stamp section of client/protocol/Makefile too.)

General file structure

  • client/cmd_* - client-side handling of commands, e.g. client/cmd_track.go
  • libkb/ - service-side lower-level library functions, e.g. libkb/track.go
  • engine/* - service-side higher-level library functions, e.g. engine/track*.go. Most calls to the service are just wrappers around engines that do most of the work. This is also where most of the testing occurs.


Since the service is doing the real work, it's going to be coming up with messages to show the user. Messages are sent to the client over the NewLogUIProtocol, itself described in keybase1.LogUiProtocol.

Logs (usually created with G.Log.*()) are automatically forwarded (again, via RPC) from the service to the client so that they can be seen in one place. You can turn on debugging logs with keybase -d <command>.

Tips for working with the code


On OSX, the supported way to build from source is with brew:

brew install go  # avoid building Go from source
brew --build-from-source keybase/beta/kbstage

On Linux you can build directly from the client repo:

git clone
cd client/packaging