david, donald, from the house of Paris
born in southern california
career: general construction, people person
love life and the betterment of the earth
dedicated to PTV private society and the work we are doing to better the world
Now: Central Florida
Following (725)
wes_3317 |
brad_3073 Brad |
maya_2533 Maya Jones |
katrine_3213 Katrin E Kjartansdottir |
solrun_3209 Sólrún Bragadóttir |
kukii_3371 kukii |
asta_2396 Asta Lloyd |
alex_3318 Alexander, House of Ambroz |
sharon_3321 sharon |
stefania_2569 Stefanía Arna Marinósdóttir |
Followers (315)
stephen_03101 Stephen Eric |
avee_3221 BlackKnight |
kukii_3371 kukii |
katrine_3213 Katrin E Kjartansdottir |
solrun_3209 Sólrún Bragadóttir |
jackie_2897 Jackie |
travis_2550 Travis Nolan, House of Diesing |
sharon_3321 sharon |
becky05 Becky Wayne |
michelle_01176 |
Browse others (14)
xeltica ゼルチカ |
dylan555 DG (Dylan) |
russelltp Russell Phillips |
andondev Andrew Waters |
leogopal Leo Gopal |
thesentinel Julia |
kranty igor |
farrahkohel00s0 Farrah Kohel |