Darren Martyn
I write code that occasionally runs other code I wrote on other peoples computers by asking their CPU to perform an interpretive dance. 💃
Climbing Ballmers Peak, Probably.
Following (20)
blasty Peter Geissler |
hl_ |
buherator buherator |
bigendiansmalls Bigendian Smalls |
hasherezade hAsh |
auerfeld Naomi Colvin |
ydoow |
dade Dade |
qwertyupz qw |
achillean John Matherly |
Followers (18)
sylke Sylke Gruhnwald |
deller50 DeLLeR |
whichbuffer Arda Büyükkaya |
buwadee3 |
largecardinal Mark C. |
paulainfosecgirl 333am wakes me every night? |
iamthewhitesheep |
thecyberviking Dean |
nayulsyunebeka Larionova Makariya |
Browse others (15)
sgthardball Gone Crazy Here |
taephoenix Tae Phoenix |
miyasaka Keiko Miyasaka |
pedrohlc Pedro Henrique Lara Campos |
fsargent Felix Sargent |
dpro David Prochnow |
vicentegordillo Vicente Gordillo |
terah th |
cultiv Sebastiaan Janssen |