Carl Harris Myers
I'm a software engineer with a focus on internal tools. I want to produce tools that delight engineers and change the way we produce software, maybe even reform our entire industry.
El Dorado Hills, CA
Following (17)
clee Chris Lee |
dmarti Don Marti |
kylembarrett Kyle Martin Barrett |
feeora Renee Freyja Vorbeck |
timothyfitz Timothy Fitz |
geoffbelknap Geoff Belknap |
swetland Brian Swetland |
koush |
jlegate Jason Legate |
diegs Diego Pontoriero |
Browse others (14)
nomaddane Coconut Cowboy |
ferchogamer Fernando Velez |
vvviral V |
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xlcqq William Benson |
nedshawa Ned Shawa |
toddericksen Todd Ericksen |
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autmildy Cesar Navas |
noehlman Nathan Oehlman |
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