Claudio Cicconetti
Claudio Cicconetti holds a PhD in Information Engineering from the University of Pisa (2007), where he also received his Laurea degree in Computer Science Engineering. He has been working in INTECS (Italy) from 2009 to 2013 as an R&D Manager and a Busines
Pisa, Italy
Following (5)
tmaiti Tathagata Maiti |
ranyus Lorenzo V. |
chibold Chiara B. |
amancina Antonio Mancina |
thrantir Matteo Sciolla |
Followers (8)
chibold Chiara B. |
rbruno Raffaele Bruno |
sempiternum Sempiternum |
ferdinandolm Ferdinando La Mattina |
nyafa27 |
ranyus Lorenzo V. |
amancina Antonio Mancina |
thrantir Matteo Sciolla |
Browse others (14)
weinerju Justin Weiner |
insertplus Andy Merrill |
lcuellar Luis Cuellar |
aried3r Anton Rieder |
derogab Gabriele De Rosa |
michaeldbianchi Michael Bianchi |
toxic Toxic |
oriolbcn Oriol Collell |
caubert Martin 'caubert' Kauber |
anthony_ Anthony_ |
simonphilibert Simon PHILIBERT |