Jos Purvis
Security technologist, auditor, and sysadmin, currently working at the intersection of public crypto and supply chain security.
Chapel Hill, NC
Following (10)
milenamiller |
ehampshire Eric Hampshire |
mcline Matthew Cline |
berkman Mike Berkman |
schwartzburg Dave Schwartzburg |
badger Steve Burnett |
ksonney Kevin Sonney |
ivanr Ivan Ristic |
matusiak David Matusiak |
mcmanlypants Michael George Williams |
Followers (7)
ehampshire Eric Hampshire |
jbudacki Jamison Budacki |
milenamiller |
mcline Matthew Cline |
schwartzburg Dave Schwartzburg |
badger Steve Burnett |
ksonney Kevin Sonney |
Browse others (14)
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nessence Rue Kennington |
tikachka Daria Tsikach |
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schweikert David Schweikert |
baomasnit Golovkova Agafya |