Gregory Ballantine
Just a tech-loving, music-playing nerd.
Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies fan, Baltimore Orioles and Ravens fan.
Following (5)
ballantinetech Drew Ballantine |
chainsaw10 Zachary Orndorff |
codesections Daniel Long Sockwell |
mikestone Mike Stone |
kevq Kev Quirk |
Followers (3)
tiazkap Goloperova Fomaida |
chainsaw10 Zachary Orndorff |
mikestone Mike Stone |
Browse others (15)
hjoest Holger Joest |
rezzaapr Rezza Priatna. |
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rochellewilder Rochelle Wilder |
cbdoilonline Jim Beals |
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chessboard Chessboard |
alisacabral Alisa Cabral |