You don’t fix the death machine, you smash it to bits.
forge temporary alliances for the purposes of achieving common political goals.
Following (7)
stephaniedrace90 stephanie |
longislandeddie |
donk3ystuff darren young |
littleblackrose Brittany Thurston |
luciddreamed Anastasia Menachem |
victhebic vic |
lacielouwho Lacie |
Followers (7)
oeiuwq oeiuwq |
longislandeddie |
donk3ystuff darren young |
littleblackrose Brittany Thurston |
luciddreamed Anastasia Menachem |
victhebic vic |
lacielouwho Lacie |
Browse others (13)
mdatelle Michael Datelle |
hildegardbingen2 Linden J |
aemenser Allie |
jdo3 JD Olson |
0xgrey grey |
antarius Antoine Balon |
justaguycalledv Vernard Martin |
samirsalimjr Samir Salim Jr. |
spleefleague SpleefLeague |
jja2000 Jasper |