Bjorn Stromberg
tumblr, octopus, things like that.
Tokyo, Japan
It is proven!
bjornstar and bjornstar are the same person, with the same public keys. You can see the proof or close this notice.
Following (16)
paulirish Paul Irish |
feross Feross Aboukhadijeh |
creationix Tim Caswell |
tokyowizard |
emilienmilk Emilien Kenler |
stormgrass Richard Hemmer |
smasuda Shunsuke Masuda |
piscisaureus |
kes Kyle Sexton |
troyhunt Troy Hunt |
Followers (6)
shogunlayeni Shokunbi Tosin |
kes Kyle Sexton |
creationix Tim Caswell |
smasuda Shunsuke Masuda |
emilienmilk Emilien Kenler |
natelaclaire Nate LaClaire |
Browse others (15)
fennb Fenn |
alistairuk Alistair MacDonald |
adrisma Adrian Smakula |
marimani Marica Maniu |
czimr6 Caleb Zimmerman |
antongolub Anton |
jvperrin Jason Perrin |
vinylriff Keith F |