Ashley Schofield
I am a 36 year old mom to a four year old. I have time, resources, and privilege. I'm here to listen and learn how I can show up for our community ✌🏼✊🏼
SW Portland
Following (4)
benjivuong BadVrong |
only2be Rhys |
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snackbloc_midori SB_MIDORI |
Followers (8)
nitas01 |
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slugmom |
majustice Megan |
jujubee Juju Bee |
blakey86 Blake |
benjivuong BadVrong |
beckah Fred Hampton Clinic |
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noevils Patriots Fight |
lauren_nann Lauren Nannariello |
leytonburberry Leyton Reed |
thadeu_canonical Thadeu Lima de Souza Cascardo |
eyzedin15 Eyzy Tiemu |
smacfarlane Scott Macfarlane |
shacknasty Jensen Walsh |