Owen Jenkins
Stack Exchange moderator; Python and Rails dev; occasional C#. Writes spamblockers and clones Q&A engines for fun. For some definitions of "fun", that is.
Following (26)
mithical39 Mithical |
daniil_m |
teward Thomas Ward |
ibug iBug |
calvt Calvin Tomkins |
undo |
rene_the_flower rene |
makyen |
superplane39 Mithrandir |
jake_symons Jake Symons |
Followers (36)
sally_sal |
mast_se |
spevacus |
mithical39 Mithical |
das_geek Das_Geek |
stonebritnez Britney Stone |
nualkaras Alkaras Lusiya |
elcompa Erick |
plami87 Plamena Georgieva Petrova |
ivanthomson Ivan Thomson |
Browse others (14)
jesseditson Jesse Ditson |
magnuspalmer Magnus Palmér |
catarina00 Catarina Ribeiro |
marcosaka Marcos Rojas |
agustinustheoo Theo |
tiffanyowen Patricia Murphy |
agisanast Agis Anastasopoulos |
c4mille Camille |