Augustine Benjamin
The two things I love most in the world is when people explain things they care about to me, and explaining things I care about to people.
In your walls.
Following (14)
ayeagley Greg |
vaishsiri |
simchats Simran |
santiago_ santiago |
marisolmarisol |
chococat sophia |
2amlasers dorotea |
samosakue49 Sam Osakue |
mangothunder7 estefania |
kwee lauren kwee |
Followers (9)
ayeagley Greg |
marisolmarisol |
santiago_ santiago |
simchats Simran |
kwee lauren kwee |
samosakue49 Sam Osakue |
mangothunder7 estefania |
elizaaaa |
kalemoss Kale |
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deepkayal Deep Kayal |
bdur Bardur Hammer Pihl |
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paigemassingillg paige massingill |
brianabelson Brian Abelson |
bielousov Anton Bielousov |
daisyyang YaNan |
friesencr Chris Friesen |
kayla91 Kayla Shaw |