Alan Mimms
I'm a System Architect working on the coolest electric cars in the universe at Lucid Motors.
Following (8)
bramcohen Bram Cohen |
schmelzle jsz |
jdkullmann JK Scheinberg |
shannonstirone Shannon Stirone |
mcnees Robert McNees |
marsroverdriver Scott Maxwell |
jessie Jessie Frazelle |
alexr Alex Rosenberg |
Followers (1)
jdkullmann JK Scheinberg |
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dayanyrec Dayany Espindola |
andrienko_smart Ihor Andrienko |
jmartinezjc Julio Martinez |
justinoboyle Justin O'Boyle |
laheidi Heidi Sierra |
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valarie7u1nboa Valarie Boaldin |
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