Adam Gray
I enjoy simplifying complex problems. Release Engineering @SmartThings. Feline owner. Amateur aerial and ground photographer.
Minneapolis, MN
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Following (65)
peterpalmieri_st Peter Palmieri |
lemoney James E. Bell Jr. |
johnlanda John Landa |
stbisterfeldt Jason Bisterfeldtt |
jonsand Jonathan Sand |
jongilmore_st Jon Gilmore |
spacedrop Stellar Space Drop |
erodewald Eric Rodewald |
michaelcacek Michael Cacek |
britindrelie Brit Indrelie |
Followers (70)
ahaslachst |
stepansubbotin |
peterpalmieri_st Peter Palmieri |
matthewrick Matt Rick |
youngjilee |
jeffcaple Jeff Caple |
mjfakler Michael Fakler |
jonsand Jonathan Sand |
stbisterfeldt Jason Bisterfeldtt |
krupatil kru |