


Given the KeyManager class (kbpgp.KeyManager), and an instance, alice, you can access the following functions.

First, options notes

  1. When opts is expected as an argument, it is a dictionary. You may pass the empty dictionary, {}
  2. In any kbpgp function, you may set opts.asp as an ASP object to monitor progress and optionally cancel it. See the examples for more info.
KeyManager.generate(opts, cb)
KeyManager.generate_rsa(opts, cb)
KeyManager.generate_ecc(opts, cb)
calls back with err, key_manager (see examples)
KeyManager.import_from_armored_pgp(opts, cb)
calls back with err, key_manager. If you're importing a private key, you'll want to check if it has a passphrase and unlock it. (see examples)
returns true if alice's key_manager contains a private key
returns true if alice's private key is passphrase-protected and locked
alice.unlock_pgp(opts, cb)
unlocks alice's private key if it's locked; calls back with any error (see examples)
opts.passphrase: a string with alice's private key passphrase
returns true if alice and another KeyManager instance (chuck) have identical primary and sub keys
alice.merge_pgp_private(opts, cb)
if alice has been loaded without a private key, this function lets you merge her private key in, after the fact. Once merged, if it is password protected, you'll want to (a) recognize this with alice.is_pgp_locked() and then (b) unlock it with alice.unlock_pgp_key()
opts.armored: a string with her private key, armored
alice.export_pgp_public(opts, cb)
calls back with err, str. This generates the standard PGP armored format of alice's public key. (see example)
alice.export_pgp_private(opts, cb)
calls back with err, str. This generates the standard PGP armored format of alice's key, protected with a passphrase. (see example)
opts.passphrase: a passphrase to protect they key

We're just getting started with this tutorial and examples. Hit us up on github if anything is missing.